SoundSet|Studio One 4&5 | 49 GB+
适用于 Studio One 4 & 5 的官方音色库离线安装包,包含各种乐器音色拓展Loops素材和效果内容,Windows和macOS系统通用。
- Acoustic Drum Kits & Loops
- Biq Fish Audoi Loops and Kits
- Electronic Audoiloops
- Electronic Kits and Musicloops
- Impact XT Kits and Sounds
- MVP Loops and Kits
- Nine Volt Audoi Guitars
- Presence XT Core Acoustic Guitars
- Presence XT Core Basses
- Presence XT Core Brass
- Presence XT Core Electric Guitars
- Presence XT Core Keyboards
- Presence XT Core Mallets
- Presence XT Core Percussoin and Vocals
- Presence XT Core Strinqs
- Presence XT Core Winds
- Prime Selectoin Loops and Sounds
- Sample Maqic Loops and Kits
- Studoi One Electric Pianos and Orqans
- Studoi One Expansoin
- Studoi One FX
- Studoi One Impulse Responses
- Studoi One Instruments Vol. 1
- Studoi One Instruments Vol. 2
- Studoi One Musicloops
- Studoi One Piano
- Synth Sessoin
- Ueberschall Impact Drums
- Venqeance Sound
- Vintaqe Keys
- Voodoo One Synth
更新拓展内容:PreSonus Spark系列拓展需要用到Studio One 5的KeyGen注册机提取激活。
- Presonus Spark Acoustic Guitar Vol 01
- Presonus Spark Acoustic Guitar Vol 02
- Presonus Spark Acoustic Guitar Vol 03
- Presonus Spark Acoustic Guitar Vol 04
- PreSonus Spark Dripping Drama
- PreSonus Spark EDM Festival
- PreSonus Spark Epic Journey Vol 01
- PreSonus Spark Epic Journey Vol 02
- PreSonus Spark Feel Good RnB
- PreSonus Spark Funk Drums
- PreSonus Spark Funk Guitar
- PreSonus Spark Good Feelings
- PreSonus Spark Hip Hop Drums Live
- PreSonus Spark In Da Tank Guitar
- PreSonus Spark Lava Big Room Vol 01
- PreSonus Spark Lava Big Room Vol 02
- PreSonus Spark Pop Drums
- PreSonus Spark Pop Universal Vol 1
- PreSonus Spark Pop Universal Vol 2
- PreSonus Spark Pop Universal Vol 3
- PreSonus Spark Radio Smash Vol 01
- PreSonus Spark Radio Smash Vol 02
- PreSonus Spark Reggae Bass
- PreSonus Spark Reggae Drums
- PreSonus Spark Reggae Guitar
- PreSonus Spark RnB Guitars
- PreSonus Spark RnB Ryder
- PreSonus Spark Sound FX Vol 01
- PreSonus Spark Sound FX Vol 02
- PreSonus Spark Trap Drums 101
- PreSonus Spark Trap Hype
- PreSonus Spark Trap vs Dance
- PreSonus Spark Underground
- PreSonus Spark Urban Mashup Vol 1
- PreSonus Symphonic Orchestra
双击 .soundset 文件/或拖入 Studio One 5 程序界面即可自动加载安装,可以先在 偏好设置 – 位置 – 声音集 – 安装到 – 里自定义拓展自动存放到的英文目录,部分需要激活的拓展可以从激活主程序时候注册机批量生成的激活文件里导入激活。
如图在菜单选择- 激活Studio One – 离线激活 – 复制机器ID到KeyGen注册机重新提取一遍证书 – 导入提取的主程序激活证书
重启后,在下面的Studio One 拓展包…选项里就可以导入同一批次生成的对应拓展的激活证书
下载价格15 积分
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- 一般问题可直接在文章下留言讨论
- 客服QQ:2421883897(不回答安装)
- 默认解压密码:cloudmidi.net
- 其它更多问题请看<免责声明>