XL-305R 起源于上世纪 80 年代的全模拟 XL-305 弹簧混响器。多年来,XL-305R 一直是混响的秘密武器,受到了人们的追捧。与许多弹簧混响不同的是,这个弹簧组件有 12 个弹簧,调谐在一起,使其具有相同的音调,非常类似于打开钢琴的盖子,将阻尼器打开,然后对着琴弦歌唱。从这一核心理念出发,我们从头开始重新构思设计的其余部分,从电子元件和弹簧衰减时间,到现代工作流程和美学改进。在韦恩-科克伍德(Wayne Kirkwood,XL-305 原始设计师)的指导下,经过 4 年的研发,我们终于将这一突破性设计从上世纪带入了现代。简而言之,我们非常自豪能将这款产品推向市场。
2U, with an International external power supply for best noise specification
Input controls drive the signal to the tank, they have signal overload LEDs next to them to show when the signal is too hot going to the assembly.
Mix controls blends the dry signal with the wet signal.
4 band Center De-tent EQ controls per channel, for a multitude of tone shaping the wet signal.
Parallel/Wet toggle switches. Extremely handy to either have a full wet signal or parallel blend. With the parallel switches engaged and the mix controls maxed out the unit is operating at 50% wet signal.
Mono Drive Lighted Push-button Switch stereo links the channels together ,and makes it easier to bring the stereo image together
Mono Return Lighted Push-button Switch sends the signal from the Reverb assembly out, summed to mono
LED indicators on the right side of the unit allow the user to monitor the total output level of the Reverb itself
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